
Archive for March, 2013

As it turns out, Kaiser won’t cover the revision of my nose. Oh well. My surgeon thought they would, but unless the surgery severely compromised your ability to breathe (or collapses your nose to one side) they don’t consider it a valid procedure.  But, in talking to their best choice for noses (an ENT), I learned quite a bit.

I mainly learned that their best nose surgeon really doesn’t do enough variety of noses, and he’s visibly uncomfortable doing anything other than obvious repair work.   He showed me photos of his work, which is lovely, but completely unrelated.  He focuses on hump removal, cleft palate repair, and collapsed or crooked noses, but apparently he has no experience in reducing the width or bulbousness of a nose. He did, however, give me a referral to a much more experienced rhinoplasty surgeon at Stanford (a specialist, rather than an ENT).



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